Friday, June 7, 2013

I can't wait I am going in to high school that means that I only have 4 more years; wait that is a long time. O well I only have 2 weeks left of school. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

 Two of my favorite cars both 67's, Camaro and an Impala I want one so bad!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

  School in a Perfect World

"School in a Perfect World" is what we are supposed to be writing out well I don't think there is anything as a perfect world or school.
  The perfect school would not have grades I mean they help for you to see how you are doing but just because you fail a class dose not mean you don't try. I mean you may not get something and your teacher will tell you "Just try your hardest and it will be fine." So you do and then they fail you on that paper. Schools if they had grades should just do participation points.

  The second would be the school would have smaller classes so you could have more one on one learning with you teachers.with this you could learn more and under stand more of the work, none the less it would not stress the teachers as much,There would be rotated classes like at the high school because of the smaller classes.

   Last but not least is the teachers would not assign assignments that over lap that is a big problem it is to much to do. It is like home work most of us have lives that don't revolve around school. There have been times where I have stayed up in tell 12 to do my homework. Even after all of the changes you can make school would not be perfect, because nothing is perfect. So that is only ways it can be improved.   

Monday, May 13, 2013

                                  I believe...

I believe that if you put your mind to it and work hard you can overcome any obstacle in life.
Sometimes life can be hard and it seems like the rough patches will never end truest me I know. Even though they are never easy don't give up or take the easy way out because there are people that love you and care.

You are stronger then you think.I hear people say they can't do it all the time the truth is you can. there is nothing you can't do when you try hard and be pesistant. And am not saying you can read minds and stuff.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Nana's king doverman he is only 8 months old and he is as big as my mastiff.

Friday, May 3, 2013

This is true so dint wait around for things to happen go out and make them happen!.!.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

 This to all the family's that have lost some one i combat. Every fallen soldier will be remembered. 
thank you for serving the United States.

There are thousands of men and women that take this a year. These people risk there lives an some loses them so we can have freedom. There is always some one dieing for you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cancer is what  I chose for my disease that I would cure. Cancer is not just one specific disease there are more that 100 kinds of caner. What all of these forms have in common is an overgrowth if cells.Cancer (also known as malignancy, pronounced: mu-lig-nun-see) is when cells grow at an uncontrolled rate/way.Normal body cells grow and divide over a period of time until they eventually die.Cancer cells continue to grow and divide and grow and divide. These cells eventually group tio gather forming tumors.
Some forms of cancer are be leaved to be genetic but that dose not mean you will get them.There are also forms cancer of cancer that you have a higher risk of getting if you smoke, stay in the sun to long, or a tanning bed to long.
The reason I chose cancer is because a lot of  people are diagnosed with cancer a day, and my grampa was diagnosed with cancer last year and he did the chemo and stuff on his lung because he had lung cancer and they said it was gone but at the beginning of this month they found a new tumor in the other lung. They think his cancer is spreading.
 There are colors for all most all forms but the most well known color is pink for breast cancer like in these pictures. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

This is a pic that i made just for the fun of
it hope you like it.

Friday, April 19, 2013

This is a picture that i took like 3 years ago.
When i found a frog in the pool.

This is one of my favorite songs
" Rain is a good thing" by Luck Bryan
What are some of your favorite songs?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Evey woman should be like this. People need to stop being so worried about what they look like and be happy with who you are and stop being so fake.   

This is so true there is nothing more important then family. Family is not supposed to turn its back on you even if you do. That is family but family goes beyond just blood family is someone that will never turn their back on you like a friend. 
This is a good idea i think for a decoration for
 the dessert dance.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I think for the Philomath Middle School dessert dance we should do glow in the dark. I think it would be a lot of fun to create.This best suites the eighth grade class because it is wild and one of a kind. Are class is one of a kind and this would show it. My vision is every one will get a glow stick the room will be dark.This picture is what i would look like. i am not to sure what to do for the photo booth. 
I want a pet wolf. This is a beautiful picture of a wolf

Thursday, April 11, 2013

this is true i love my dad and
every girl should!

I don't  think most people know how true this quote really is.
A picture of the Marys River that I took at my aunts house
Ha ha this is so true i have done this a couple times